Ebook - 101 Things to Know While Planning you Home Interiors

Where you start your journey into designing your home!

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Language: English

Instructors: Preethi Prabhu

₹499 60.12% OFF

₹199 including GST


Why this course?


Doing your interiors is a lot more than just prettying up. You will need to put a lot of thought into the budget and material and do it right in the first go. This ebook is intended to serve as a starting point and give you knowledge of different aspects that will help you make better-informed decisions.  

Table of contents for the 101 ebook

P.s. This is not a Course. This is a 40-page ebook that is too heavy to download on your phone. So I decided to host it here so you can access it anytime you want and don't have to jam your phone's memory. 

Course Curriculum

101 things to know while planning your home interior. (40 pages)

How to Use

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  • From the computer, you can access your courses after successful login
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