Small Business Starter-Pack

Everything you need to know to start your Small Business in 2022!

Language: English

Instructors: Preethi Prabhu

₹999 60.06% OFF

₹399 including GST


Why this course?


Are you starting your business and looking for relevant guidance?

Are you looking to monetize your passion and have no clue where to get started?                 
Or as a new business start-up, do you want to be sure and require some handholding?
If you can resonate with any of the above statements, then please continue to read.

After 75 weeks and 200+ hours of doing sales and marketing classes for micro and small businesses and talking to over 800 entrepreneurs, we have realized one thing - that is.
-most aspiring entrepreneurs start their small businesses without proper knowledge of the various aspects of starting and running a business.
Some people learn on the go, some others make expensive mistakes and a lot of them give up saying it's not for them.
And therefore, we have put together this Small business Starter-Pack Online CourseFor Micro - Small Businesses, to help you get started on your entrepreneurial journey, that would lead you to a sustainable, successful business.

In this course, you will learn -

1. How to create a business plan - validating your business idea.
2. Market Research - figuring out what your market is starving for.
3. Market Testing - checking out the fitment and feedback from the market
4. Pricing - Products and Service
5. Legal Compliance - relating to smooth conduct and functioning of the business
6. Basics of Accounting - every small business show do that
7. Basics of GST - every small business should know about
8. Marketing and sales
9. Creating a customer experience

Course Curriculum

Introduction To The Course
Introduction - Preethi Prabhu
How to get the best out of this course?
What Business Should I be on?
Change Your Mindset
Creating A Business plan
Market Research
Registration & Legal compliance
GST - goods and service tax
Customer Experience
Signing Off
Live QnA Session
27 June 2022 Live QnA

How to Use

After successful purchase, this item would be added to your courses.You can access your courses in the following ways :

  • From the computer, you can access your courses after successful login
  • For other devices, you can access your library using this web app through browser of your device.
